School Principal Message

‘Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.’ With the present world’s challenges we don’t afford to sit back in our cozy nest. Each day unfolds before a bundle of enchanting opportunities in the form of challenges.

The main goal of education in today’s changing scenario is the over all development of a child’s personality and grooming him up to be an aware and well informed global citizen. The school system must recognize that learning is natural, that a love of learning is normal, and that real learning is passionate learning. With the educational reforms the present Curriculum values questions above answers, creativity above fact regurgitation, individuality above conformity and excellence above standardized performance. So, each child’s individuality is respected.

Self discipline, honesty, integrity, diligence etc. form an integral part of a child’s personality that helps him grow into a responsible individual. These fundamental values are learnt and imbibed best in the school. I’m sure with the dedicated, talented and experienced team of teachers, our school offers the students abundant scope to learn, grow and progress to achieve the glorious heights and reach the pinnacles of success.